Thursday 18 August 2016


It’s good to maintain a healthy perspective of life. Most people spend their lives chasing after things that mean nothing in the long run. Eventually, we find that our lives are centered on so many mundane things and we forget the things that are worth living for. If you don’t put life in perspective, you will discover that it is empty. When you take the time to think about life outside of God, you will see that all the things we chase have no meaning. Without God, we are nothing. It is what Jesus has done for us that gives our lives meaning and makes it worth living. Life cannot be lived with material and superficial things at the centre – shoes, money, clothes and the like. Life is beyond all this. You should be able to identify with a vision that is so precious to you that you are committed to it no matter what. This is something that goes beyond you and transcends material things. You should seek eternal value over material and earthly substance. Your life should have a meaning beyond things. Your life should have meaning beyond self – what I should get, what I shall eat, what I shall wear, what I should have.

I once heard a preacher say that the summation of life is obtaining salvation for yourself and helping as many others as you can to obtain salvation.
Do not be unconcerned about the people all around you because you are blinded in the pursuit of your own gain. When God leads you to be a blessing to others, do not back out because you want to have your own things first. That kind of life will choke you. Be motivated to bless and help others with the power of God. If you take your attention off of yourself and put it on helping the next person to get blessed, you will realize that all your problems are solved. You should spend yourself and your life for others, for the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).
Don’t be that person who is totally self-centered and has no compassion for the next person. Be a blessing to people beyond what you can get in return in terms of appreciation, acknowledgment or fame. Would you still do the things you want to do even if no one notices you? Would you do the things you think are right even if there are no returns on those things? Do not live a life of convenience only. Put yourself in a place where your life has an eternal purpose. Put eternity in focus as you live. We cannot put our hope and faith and all of our attention on the natural and the physical. The physical will perish and decay. If you put all of your focus on things that are only found here on earth, in time, there will be no legacy left to your name and your stay here on earth because all will fade away. There’s not much you can get out of just trying to achieve things solely based on the physical.

What is the motivation behind all of your ambition and your big dreams? The world is changing, evolving. Technology is improving, knowledge is increasing. There is so much more than just trying to prove that you are something in the here and now.

There is more impact in your life when you take up others in your heart. Reach out of yourself and help others.
Let God put a purpose in your heart, and pursue it. Start from where you are by serving where God has placed you. Recognize the seeds that God has put in your hands in order to manifest what is on the inside of you. Understand that God’s Kingdom works by the principle of the seed. It is the one who is faithful in little who will be made ruler over much. Spiritual responsibility dictates that you watch over that which God has put in your hands, no matter how little it may seem. God never began anything big, no matter how large the ambition. Men must learn that God will build you. Everything does not start and end with you. The Bible tells us not to despise the days of little beginning. Ambition is good, but do not despise starting small.