Sunday 17 May 2015


You need to know that your prosperity has been paid for. If God has said something concerning you, it is done. Your present physical situations may not look like it, but if God has said it, it is done. In His realm, it has been finished, and if you hold on to what He has said, it will manifest in your own realm too!

Many times, things begin to happen where we cannot see. If we give up too quickly, we will never see the deed in the physical.

There is the hope of the gospel, and this is that Jesus has paid the price for us. Therefore, with this picture, we can insist to see what Jesus has done for us with our words and we will see it.
Hebrews 10:35
Do not give up. Hold on to what Jesus has done and keep saying what God has said about you and you will see it. Keep saying the same thing that God has said about you.
Mark 11:22-24

You will have whatever you say. As long as you keep speaking contrary to the Finished Works of Jesus, you will continue to see the contrariness manifest in your life. "I never have money". "Walking by faith is so difficult". "I don't like all these church folks and church things." "I just don't understand the Bible". Statements like that spoken constantly will manifest in full in your life. The situation will not change as long as you keep talking about it.

You are a product of your words. You will have whatsoever you say. If you are saying nothing, you are bound to get nothing. Your life is a reflection of the words you are speaking.
Satan wants you in a place where you disbelieve God's promises for your life. He knows that you are victorious over him and he is defeated, and he wants you to doubt all this. He knows, but the question is, DO YOU? The devil knows that he is defeated when it comes to you; DO YOU? The devil knows that there is no condemnation to you; DO YOU? He knows that you are seated far above him; DO YOU?

Come to a realization of what God has done for you. Take authority and cause changes WITH YOUR WORDS. Do not let his seed of doubt remain in your mind. Squelch such thoughts with God's Word. The devil cannot win over you. Have a very good picture of the devil: He is defeated! Use your authority in Christ. Do not let things to run riot in your life anyhow. Refuse it...with your words.

Do not give your ears to the wrong voices in life. With words, you can be convinced of anything and persuaded to believe anything. The devil has words in his mouth; God has given us words in the Bible. Our hearts can be swayed by words. It is important to guard your heart and be sure that you are listening to the right words from the right sources and channels. Have a discerning heart and do not give your ear to every kind of person and just anything. Words have power.

Use good words and, more importantly, God's word to produce results in your life. 

Friday 8 May 2015


Read these words carefully and repeatedly. Memorize them if need be. They are life and spirit to they which receive them...

 * Never approach life with a “victim” mindset. Live instead from the mountaintop; that’s where you belong! 
* Get winning into your heart and your mind. There is something about winning. Always choose to win, first of all and especially, on the inside. 
* You need Christ-esteem to live a balanced life. 
* Learn to THINK LIKE GOD! 
* Change the way you think by changing the way you talk! 
* Persuade yourself back into your confidence in God; speak God’s Words as your words. 
* Never let things define you. 
* Being more like Jesus is not an act of willpower. It comes by spending time in God’s presence –listening to God’s Word and praying in the Holy Ghost. 
* Spirit-directed activity is not always a witness in your heart. The Word of God is Spirit-directed, and so it is the first point of Spirit-directed action. 
* Let your hopes (desires and dreams) be founded upon the New Testament. 
* Mediation in the Word of God turns wishes into hopes and makes them into desires too real to be untrue. 
* Your faith must be in God who forgives sins. Believe Him, not men and not things. 
* Remember this: You are the one in control, not your situations! 
* Do not let un-godly ideals, scoured from everywhere but the Word of God, keep the light of God’s Word from shining and showing forth in your life. 
* It is not what you own that makes you; it is what you see inside your heart that makes you. 
* If the Gospel is true, then we do not have a problem. And the Gospel IS true, so we do not have a problem! 
* Never lose the innocence of faith. Never let the anointing become a common thing in your eyes. 
* God loves you dearly.

Friday 1 May 2015


This is the priceless question that plagues many a believer the world over. Is it possible for me to lose my born again experience? Is there something that I could do, consciously, sub-consciously or unconsciously, that will make God revoke my redemption rights and privileges? Will I ever get to a place where something will happen that will take away all chances of me going to heaven? This question has bugged the hearts and minds of many Christians today. 

 The grace of God is not a recent development. It is the Person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 17). The grace of God is the unmerited favour of God which He shows to mankind and all those who believe in Him get to enjoy it at its fullest. The grace and the love of God are the agents that do the saving work in the heart of the man who believes Him, hence the expression “saving grace”. The core of God’s grace lies in the forgiveness of sins. This is a wholesome package that is specially made to transform the entire life of anyone who believes. You will notice that I have been using the word “believe” not “do”. This is because God’s grace can only be received on the platform of faith, that place where you come only trusting in what Jesus has achieved for you in His death, burial and resurrection over 2,000 years ago.  

 The premise upon which we have a relationship with God is the forgiveness of our sins. He said that He would be merciful to our unrighteousness and He would put completely out of mind and memory our sins and lawless deeds (Hebrews 8:12). He said He would give us a new heart of flesh and take away the heart of stone that we used to sport (Ezekiel 36:26-27), and He would cause us to walk in His ways. 

 Please know this: salvation –getting born again- is not about changing your behaviour into some unrealistic picture of perfection that you think that God has in His mind somewhere. No. It has nothing to do with you or your behaviour; otherwise, you would be that perfect person you always dreamed about and not need Jesus. Salvation is about God and His nature that He gives to us out of the goodness of His heart; because He loves us. Salvation is about God and His love that brings us into a covenant relationship with Him, the kind of relationship He made man for from the beginning (Genesis 3:8). Salvation is God’s plan through and through, and has nothing to do with our actions once we believe. So, how is it possible for this good God who has promised to forgive all sin (and, indeed, who has told us that all is forgiven –past, present and future) and give us new life, the kind of life that cannot be corrupted or poisoned, how can He suddenly change His mind because of a fickle human action or atrocity? Is He that faithless? Or are have we turned away from the truth of the gospel and put our faith and our hope in what we can do for ourselves before God? 

 All of mankind has total forgiveness offered to it on a platter of precious blood. The one who accepts this offer, and believes that Jesus died for his sins, and was raised again for his justification (Romans 4:25) is called a believer. That one now has the very life that God has, and the righteousness of God is His. He is RIGHTEOUS (2 Corinthians 5:17, 21). His righteousness is a gift, and God does not plan to take this gift back (Romans 5:17).  

 Beloved, all your sins are forgiven and you are the righteousness of God. The core of your Christianity is the forgiveness of all your sins. If there is something you could do to lose your salvation, then it was not a complete salvation to begin with. Don’t let anything or anyone make you doubt your forgiveness; otherwise you will live always crippled in your faith and unable to enjoy a wholesome relationship with Jesus Christ.