Wednesday 9 March 2016

Our Righteousness

Whatever you do and wherever you go, let all things begin from and culminate in the Finished Works of Jesus. This is the basis for our Christian life. If you don’t understand this, whatever you do will result in self effort. We do not pray or sow our seeds trying to convince God to give us things or hear and answer us.

Be established in righteousness.

When we say we are righteous, we mean that we can stand before God without any sense of guilt, inferiority or condemnation – because of the Finished Works of Jesus. Stop thinking that you aren’t good enough for what God offers because of what you have done or not done, when, in fact, it is none of your actions or goodness that qualified you in the first place.

To be established in righteousness, what you should be looking at is “…as He is…” So your definition of righteousness should not be based on anything related to your right or wrong in any way but on Him, Jesus. Your righteousness is not defined by your standards; it is defined by Jesus. You are who He says you are. He is your righteousness. Why? “For He was made sin for us who knew no sin…” (2 Cor. 5:17)

This righteousness is equality with God. Righteousness is having the life of God. This means that the same quality of life and love that He enjoys and dispenses is the exact same that we can enjoy and dispense as well. The same quality of forgiveness that operates from His heart operates from our heart as well.

Righteous men that we are, we need to realize that we are more than conquerors through Him that loves us and we are living in His victory! Righteousness is that we are enjoying all that Jesus paid for on the Cross; we are not trying to be or trying to get. We are victors already!

We are righteous without a single good deed, so also we are prosperous without a dime in our pockets. Faith is believing what Jesus did for us, not trying to achieve your own righteousness.

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