Friday 4 March 2016

A Mighty Supply!

"There’s a MIGHTY SUPPLY!" "Breaking forth through those thick dark heavy clouds, is the shining light of the sun in a golden array of colors. Out of something difficult and ugly, a beautiful picture emerges for you," saith God.

What is the 'thick dark heavy cloud'  you are experiencing in your life right now? Take the prophecy in your mouth and break through those dark cloud... It might be the dark cloud of 'not enough', the dark cloud of 'just enough', the dark cloud of 'sickness', the dark cloud of 'inconsistencies', the dark cloud of 'prayerlessness', the dark cloud of 'whatever'.

Take up the prophecy in your heart and in your mouth and break through those dark clouds, let the shining light of the sun (revelation knowledge) of God in golden arrays of colors break through and let the beautiful picture emerge for you now in Jesus name. The picture right now is difficult and ugly but THERE IS A MIGHTY SUPPLY, you just believe and trust that God is able to bring His own words to pass in your life.

Finally, be persistent because it says you are "breaking through", the light is "breaking through" that means there is a force wanting to resist this light but the VICTORY is already ours through CHRIST, so be persistent.

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