Monday 14 March 2016

Live Free in God's Grace

Many believers' entire lives are reduced to nothing more than a sin management program, running the endless cycle of trying to please God by doing stuff or trying to be sinless. We might need to unlearn most of what we know about God because the veil Jesus tore down, religion and mixed teachings are sewing back up to simply prevent people from seeing the love of God behind the veil.

If you are getting tired of the gospel of the forgiveness of sins by the finished works of Christ alone, I encourage you to keep listening, keep hearing. There is more to it than just trying to please God, which we can't. Keep listening and keep meditating and prayerfully consider the teachings. Living in the open oceans of God's grace is far far better and more rewarding than living in the cycle of defeat of guilt, condemnation, self effort and self righteousness. Embrace the righteousness of God and be established in it. Even if you think sin is getting worse in your life because of grace, keep listening. One experience with the love of God, that pure undiluted love of God for you, unstained by your self effort or basing your acceptance on moral codes of conduct is far more enriching and liberating.

Your sins are forgiven, believe and rest; embrace it, be established in it. Your sins past present and future are forgiven. Keep taking the grace pills. And may the God of peace through the precious gospel of His son Jesus Christ cure the aches and pains that tradition religion and mixed doctrines have inflicted in our minds and hearts.

- Pst Adah Igah

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