Tuesday 16 June 2015

Get Into The Way of Grace!

 Many believers, even "word of faith" believers, have been taken in by sin consciousness. This may seem incredible and untrue, but it is true.

Romans 4:1-8

It is evident from the above Scripture that our blessings in life stem from knowing and believing God's covenant of grace. This covenant was clearly spelt out in Hebrews 8:6-12. It was the undoing of an old and faulty covenant to establish an entirely new one. God Himself abolished the old covenant because it wasn't the best for any of the parties involved - divinity and humanity. Now He has made a new deal that states that our rightness with Him and our receiving from Him and our enjoyment of life should not be based on what we do or do not do, but on the sacrifice of Jesus.

Isaiah 53

In sending Jesus to die, God made a perfect way for us to enter in, whereby we could be welcome in His presence for all time and we could receive from Him whatever whenever, without having to think about our merit or performance status.

Sadly, many believers have been duped by religion and twisted thinking instigated by the devil. They have come to believe that the things they get from God have root in their "goodness". My brother, no one was ever good enough for the blessings of God. Now we have laid aside the world's way of hustling but picked up spiritual hustling.
We have begun to believe in some subconscious part of us that what we get from God are the rewards of "walking by faith", or spending hours praying in the Holy Ghost, or sowing some seed or for reading and meditating on God's word. No. None of these things in and of themselves could bring God's favour upon us if Jesus didn't die.

My friend, lose consciousness of yourself; your rights and your wrongs. Focus on the Way that God has gloriously mapped out for you. You cannot do enough to earn you His blessings. So also, you cannot do enough to separate you from His love.

Believe in the grace of God. Step into the Way - Jesus. In Him, you cannot err. Isaiah 35:8

God loves you passionately!

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