Sunday 17 May 2015


You need to know that your prosperity has been paid for. If God has said something concerning you, it is done. Your present physical situations may not look like it, but if God has said it, it is done. In His realm, it has been finished, and if you hold on to what He has said, it will manifest in your own realm too!

Many times, things begin to happen where we cannot see. If we give up too quickly, we will never see the deed in the physical.

There is the hope of the gospel, and this is that Jesus has paid the price for us. Therefore, with this picture, we can insist to see what Jesus has done for us with our words and we will see it.
Hebrews 10:35
Do not give up. Hold on to what Jesus has done and keep saying what God has said about you and you will see it. Keep saying the same thing that God has said about you.
Mark 11:22-24

You will have whatever you say. As long as you keep speaking contrary to the Finished Works of Jesus, you will continue to see the contrariness manifest in your life. "I never have money". "Walking by faith is so difficult". "I don't like all these church folks and church things." "I just don't understand the Bible". Statements like that spoken constantly will manifest in full in your life. The situation will not change as long as you keep talking about it.

You are a product of your words. You will have whatsoever you say. If you are saying nothing, you are bound to get nothing. Your life is a reflection of the words you are speaking.
Satan wants you in a place where you disbelieve God's promises for your life. He knows that you are victorious over him and he is defeated, and he wants you to doubt all this. He knows, but the question is, DO YOU? The devil knows that he is defeated when it comes to you; DO YOU? The devil knows that there is no condemnation to you; DO YOU? He knows that you are seated far above him; DO YOU?

Come to a realization of what God has done for you. Take authority and cause changes WITH YOUR WORDS. Do not let his seed of doubt remain in your mind. Squelch such thoughts with God's Word. The devil cannot win over you. Have a very good picture of the devil: He is defeated! Use your authority in Christ. Do not let things to run riot in your life anyhow. Refuse it...with your words.

Do not give your ears to the wrong voices in life. With words, you can be convinced of anything and persuaded to believe anything. The devil has words in his mouth; God has given us words in the Bible. Our hearts can be swayed by words. It is important to guard your heart and be sure that you are listening to the right words from the right sources and channels. Have a discerning heart and do not give your ear to every kind of person and just anything. Words have power.

Use good words and, more importantly, God's word to produce results in your life. 

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