Tuesday 23 June 2015

God loves you dearly!

God's love for you is unconditional and without reason. Fueled by His mercy alone. His love for you has nothing to do with the fact that you're wrong or right. It has everything to do with the fact that God is simply good, and His default setting is love. He never deals with us according to our sins. He has made for us a covenant, sworn in blood and in love, that He'll never remember our sins and iniquities any more.

 Tell me, how does someone punish what He doesn't remember? How do you think that God can visit the consequence of your sin upon you when He doesn't even remember them?

When the Bible mentions sin, we need to know what it is. Some of us have believed that indeed, our old sin nature has been taken away and our old (past) sins have been purged. But these ones that happen everyday nowadays, well, maybe God is taking account of those.

No! No!

It says in Romans 5:17 that if through one man's disobedience or sin (meaning lapse or error in judgment or wrong hearing), death (not just the physical but all its accomplices like misery and sadness etc) had the highest influence, much more, the ones that take God's gift (unearned, undeserved and un-worked-for) of righteousness (the state of equality with God), forgiveness and acquittal will be kings of life because of and through Jesus.

None of your efforts to try to manipulate the goodness of God is mentioned here. It is not needed.

Get this friend, God loves you, no matter what you have done, are doing or have planned to do. He has big plans for you that go beyond your imagination, and what's more, He knows you'll like his plans because He knows you inside out.

Receive His freedom and love today. God's love is the foundation of victory.

 God loves you dearly.

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