Friday 1 May 2015


This is the priceless question that plagues many a believer the world over. Is it possible for me to lose my born again experience? Is there something that I could do, consciously, sub-consciously or unconsciously, that will make God revoke my redemption rights and privileges? Will I ever get to a place where something will happen that will take away all chances of me going to heaven? This question has bugged the hearts and minds of many Christians today. 

 The grace of God is not a recent development. It is the Person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 17). The grace of God is the unmerited favour of God which He shows to mankind and all those who believe in Him get to enjoy it at its fullest. The grace and the love of God are the agents that do the saving work in the heart of the man who believes Him, hence the expression “saving grace”. The core of God’s grace lies in the forgiveness of sins. This is a wholesome package that is specially made to transform the entire life of anyone who believes. You will notice that I have been using the word “believe” not “do”. This is because God’s grace can only be received on the platform of faith, that place where you come only trusting in what Jesus has achieved for you in His death, burial and resurrection over 2,000 years ago.  

 The premise upon which we have a relationship with God is the forgiveness of our sins. He said that He would be merciful to our unrighteousness and He would put completely out of mind and memory our sins and lawless deeds (Hebrews 8:12). He said He would give us a new heart of flesh and take away the heart of stone that we used to sport (Ezekiel 36:26-27), and He would cause us to walk in His ways. 

 Please know this: salvation –getting born again- is not about changing your behaviour into some unrealistic picture of perfection that you think that God has in His mind somewhere. No. It has nothing to do with you or your behaviour; otherwise, you would be that perfect person you always dreamed about and not need Jesus. Salvation is about God and His nature that He gives to us out of the goodness of His heart; because He loves us. Salvation is about God and His love that brings us into a covenant relationship with Him, the kind of relationship He made man for from the beginning (Genesis 3:8). Salvation is God’s plan through and through, and has nothing to do with our actions once we believe. So, how is it possible for this good God who has promised to forgive all sin (and, indeed, who has told us that all is forgiven –past, present and future) and give us new life, the kind of life that cannot be corrupted or poisoned, how can He suddenly change His mind because of a fickle human action or atrocity? Is He that faithless? Or are have we turned away from the truth of the gospel and put our faith and our hope in what we can do for ourselves before God? 

 All of mankind has total forgiveness offered to it on a platter of precious blood. The one who accepts this offer, and believes that Jesus died for his sins, and was raised again for his justification (Romans 4:25) is called a believer. That one now has the very life that God has, and the righteousness of God is His. He is RIGHTEOUS (2 Corinthians 5:17, 21). His righteousness is a gift, and God does not plan to take this gift back (Romans 5:17).  

 Beloved, all your sins are forgiven and you are the righteousness of God. The core of your Christianity is the forgiveness of all your sins. If there is something you could do to lose your salvation, then it was not a complete salvation to begin with. Don’t let anything or anyone make you doubt your forgiveness; otherwise you will live always crippled in your faith and unable to enjoy a wholesome relationship with Jesus Christ.  

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