Tuesday 1 September 2015

Righteousness Consciousness

Reverend Arome E. Adah saw a vision some years ago. In that vision, he saw a huge terrifying and ugly mountain standing before a believer. That believer was quaking in fear, frightened of the mountain. And he said that the Lord spoke to him, that when believers become conscious of their righteousness, they would not need to do anything extra in their lives, but the mountains before them would be dealt with. He said he looked again, and as the believer began to be aware of his righteousness, without much ado, the mountain began to quake in fear, somewhat comical iin fashion, and it turned and fled from the believer.

My brother, my sister, the moment you begin to be conscious of your status as the righteousness of God in Christ, you'll begin to experience victory from the inside out in your life.

Remember, the take over is righteousness conscious. It is the ones that RECEIVE ABUNDANCE of GRACE and the GIFT of RIGHTEOUSNESS that reign in life.

Start reigning my friends! All your sins are forgiven. God loves you dearly!

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