Saturday 29 August 2015

Our Sins Are Forgiven.

The God of the Takeover is the spirit of forgiveness.

John 3:16 tells us that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son so that anyone that believes would not perish or die, experience the misery and decay rampant in this world, but they would have eternal life.

God, in His mercy, bought us out of our sin and adopted us into His family by the sacrifice of Jesus. The sacrifice was an offering for sin. This way, God wouldn't have to simply cover our sin to keep Him from punishing us in anger. Now, God completely did away with sin. He has pardoned all and forgiven all. Knowing this and believing this, millions the world over have become God's children.

When we begin to spread the Good News that God has abundantly pardoned all sin and is offering New Life to all, men will begin to believe in this good God and the spirit of God will begin to manifest greatly in our lives and country. Our lives will begin to reflect the glory of God when we begin to believe that all our sins, past, present and future, have been forgiven.

God loves you dearly.

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