Monday 29 December 2014



Jesus paid the price for you to have all things. He paid the price to help you and has given you all things.
1 John 5:4: “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.”
“This is the victory that overcomes the world,even our faith.” What causes you to overcome in life is faith. Our faith is the victory. Victory is not money or material things. Victory starts first from the spirit, and there is no victory outside of Jesus. Anything outside of Jesus is a form of godliness that denies the power for it is the gospel that is the power. (Romans 1:16). 

Faith is the victory!

What then is faith?
Hebrews 11:1:“Now faith is he substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Faith begins from the unseen realm. This means that faith is walking by what you cannot see, but believe in. Sometimes people say, “You’re broke, there’s no money in your pocket and you’re saying you are rich. You’re lying. Just say the truth and be real.” What is the truth? Faith is the evidence of what we cannot see, not of what does not exist. So, there is an exhibit, a proof, that the result, what we desire, is there, but we cannot see it. Glory! Faith is not denial of the problem. The problems may be there, but faith is the evidence of a solution that goes beyond the realm of what is felt or seen. The senses cannot be trusted where faith is involved because what the senses produce is subject to change. Everything in the realm of faith is constant, because it is based on the sacrifice of Jesus that cannot change. This means that faith is the assurance that because of what Jesus has done for us in His death, burial and resurrection, we can and will have all that we desire and demand. This means that every time a believer is in faith, there is an assurance of things that cannot fail. Things in the sense realm are subject to change, but what is obtainable in the faith realm cannot be changed. 

Faith is based upon the singular sacrifice of Jesus that has obtained eternal redemption for us. This means that our faith is based on God’s grace.

Hebrews 7:27:“Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s: for this he did once, when he offered up himself.”
Hebrews 9:14: “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God…”
Hebrews 10:12: “But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;”

The redemption which He obtained for us is eternal. It doesn’t change with a few bumps and falls along the way. It is for all time. And this redemption was obtained to give us no need for our self-effort.God made provision for this sacrifice so that man would have no need for self-effort; trying to obtain anything on your own is what is called works.Works is trying to earn what Jesus has done for you, freely, in His finished works. All things are yours in Christ Jesus, and things include good grades, clothes, shoes, islands, money, jewellery, holiness etc. If you begin to try to work for these things, you will never get them, for it is evident that the just shall live by faith.
God made provision for a sacrifice so that there could be room for everyone to benefit. It is not God’s will that any perish. He didn’t ordain that we get or have anything by any effort of ours. We don’t have to work for anything that Jesus paid the price for. Trying to do so is trying to establish our own righteousness, and righteousness is a gift. Righteousness is not what can be worked for (Romans 5:17).

Now faith starts in the unseen realm, and it influences the realm of the seen. So when you’re speaking to situations and challenges, and they seem to stay the same, do not despair for they have begun to change already. Start rejoicing the day you start speaking, because that is when the change begins.

Faith cannot be separated from grace because it is only by our believing that we can enjoy the free gift of righteousness that comes from the sacrifice of Jesus.

Faith does not mean the lack of challenges or problems; faith means there’s solution to and victory for every problem. Faith sees a solution in every challenge of life. So don’t run from your challenges; face them and best them. Faith makes champions of us, and nobody becomes a champion without a fight. The Bible tells us to fight the good fight of faith. It is a fight to lay hold on eternal life, not a fight against the devil or against people. You fight with God’s Word against all that is contrary to it: your thoughts and sense evidence. You fight and stay fighting until you win; until you have taken hold of the promise. You don’t give up at one fail! You stay and fight until you have become champion over your circumstances! 

We stay, and fight and we win because it is not by our effort, it is by the sacrifice of Jesus. We have received the free gift of righteousness and abundance of grace -that is why we reign in life! 

Romans 5:17: “For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.”

Don’t let the devil keep feeding you negative thoughts. Speak your way out into victory. Faith is exercised through words. Speak God’s Word; let your faith lie in God’s Word and in what Jesus has done. Let the Word of God take precedence over your heart, then open your mouth and speak it. Soon enough, it’ll rise and swallow up whatever the circumstances are.
Stay with God’s Word. Have faith in the gospel. It gives strength to the weak, raises the dead to life and brings victory out of every situation. The gospel is a storyline of victories only. The gospel is based on the singular sacrifice of Jesus that happened to take away the sins of mankind. All your sins are forgiven, you are righteous; you are victorious!

: Why is your head hanging down? Why are you discouraged? Why do you say all hope is lost? Why do you say it is not working for me? Lift up your head, lift up your eyes, and see the Son of Righteousness. He’s arising with healing in His wings. He’s here to pick you up. They that wait on the Lord, they that look to Him, shall renew their strength. Though weak, they will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run, and not grow weary; they will walk and will not faint. For the power of His grace has lifted them up out of the dunghill and set them among princes. This is the story, this is the answer: how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, how that He was buried and on the third day He was raised again from the dead for your justification and for my justification, according to the Scriptures. This is our victory! This is the story! This is the victory that overcomes the world: through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and they that believe in Him are justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses, for it is evident, THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH…Faith in that sacrifice, faith in that grace, faith in Jesus, and Him crucified!

We are the righteous. We are not designed to function by the law. We are not designed to function by a system of merit, where we have to deserve everything. We are not designed to have to merit our spiritual status. It is evident…the just shall live by faith. We are not supposed to earn what He has given to us freely. We are not made to function by the law, or by effort, or by works. We are designed to function by grace and faith. We run life on these – knowing we are righteous, knowing we are forgiven- grace and faith. The consciousness of righteousness, of forgiveness and of God’s love will produce a life of holiness, righteousness, prosperity and victory! This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith! People do not need to be ordered to do more; they need to know what He has done for them. The gospel proclaimed and declared to men will bring them out of whatever has held them bound because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes!

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