Monday 29 December 2014



It is the end of the year and it is the most natural thing to look back over the events and happenings of the year 2014, counting our blessings and giving God thanks for all. At Savannah Grace Chapel Makurdi it has been quite the eventful year. God has been faithful. Check out how sweet our year has been:

·         January
We kicked off the year with a great New Year Service -Notable Overflow and The Lord Is Our Help! Indeed He was our help as we continued with our annual prayer cruise and our very first edition of Savannah Ministries Bible School Volume 1 with a little over 25 people in attendance. And we had instructors come from Headquarters too. 

·         February
The month of February saw us moving church venues – from a smaller place to a more spacious hall. Also, we had an unplanned but wonderfully pleasant visit from our dear General Overseer, Reverend Arome Adah. We also had two notable birthdays: Ojoma and Isaac. Beautiful month, I’ll say!

·         March
The month of March saw us moving venues again – to a better venue, of course. We also had our Easter-Thanksgiving Service. It was a great service as we broke bread and gave thanks to God with dancing, celebration, offerings and great rejoicing. 

·         April
We had 2 fellowships start up this month: Interdenominational Christian Fellowship at Nigerian French Language Village, Badagry by our brother Isaac Oche, and Savannah Grace Fellowship, Afe Babalola University by our brother and the present co-ordinator, Daniel Obekpa. The Gospel is reaching to the very ends of the earth, Glory to God.

·         May
In the extraordinary month of May, we hosted our Special Sunday Services. It was a wonderful five weeks as we enjoyed diverse ministries and church took a different turn with the Jersey Service, the Newsroom Service and the Red Carpet Service. We enjoyed the ministry of Pastor Segun from Father’s Delight Ministry, Zaria, Wing Commander David Osuh Amuneni and Pastor Mrs Jennifer Tokula from Christ Family Ministries. Yes indeed, church was packed in May and every single person had an experience. Glory!

·         June
Virtuous Ladies! Yes. Our Virtuous Ladies fellowship held her very first Ladies Convention and it was super awesome to say the least. We had ministering to us Mrs Ifejola Opara, and even the brothers were blessed. God is faithful. And of course, our Virtuous Ladies head had her birthday in June as well. God is faithful.

·         July.
The mushy but happy month of July had us holding our Pastor’s Appreciation Day. We packed much appreciation in that one day, not without much emotion and tears, for our dear Pastor, Pastor Adah Igah; an inexplicably huge blessing to us all. We also celebrated his birthday in July. Church office officially opened in July as well. It was simply getting better with the progress of the year.

·         August
Our biggest event for the year, Miracle and Healing Convention Makurdi, took place in the month of August. It was such an explosion. We had with us our General Overseer, Reverend Arome Adah and the President of Gloryland Ministries, Reverend Emma Opara. There were loads of testimonies, our finances shot to the sky and we released our first church bulletin. Great days!

·         October
As we trusted for church planting, we reached our tentacles out to Lafia and hosted Miracle and Healing Convention Lafia. Our General Overseer, Reverend Arome Adah was powerfully present and he declared the church in Lafia open. So, also, Savannah Grace Chapel Lafia happened in October 2014.

·         November
2014 was a year of firsts for us at SGC Makurdi. The fellowship at Afe Babalola University hosted her first meeting, Moments With the King, with Pastor Deji and Minister Ozo Opara from SGC Abuja. It was a mighty meeting that further opened the school to us, both the authorities and the students. God is faithful!
In Makurdi, we also hosted our first concert, The Creed. It was a great concert and a wonderful time in God’s presence as we were blessed by diversities of ministries: dance, song, rap etc.

·         December
December has been super awesome. With the increase in numbers in church, we travelled for Savannah Campmeeting with three buses and a car. Glory. We also got elevated when our Pastor was made Assistant Director, Directorate of Churches, Savannah Ministries Worldwide Incorporated. 

We have been having a wonderful time praying since we got back from Campmeeting 2014, which will end temporarily today for the purpose of the holidays, and pick back up on the 5th of January 2015.
2014 has been a great year. The Lord is indeed our Helper and we have seen notable overflow in our finances, in our lives as individuals and as a church, in our businesses, in our gifts etc. God has been faithful and we are a people that choose to remember His goodness to us. He is faithful and we keep our eyes on Him as He keeps taking us through the best seasons, times and places in our lives.
Jesus is Lord.


  1. Awesome year... I call it 5 years experience packed into one... can't wait for 2015. Thanks guys for making 2014 worth it. You are like God and I love you... Ochanya.

  2. Awesome year 2014,greater things in 2015,glooorrrryyyyy
