Thursday 31 December 2015


What about 2016?

There have been many predictions from a lot of people concerning many things but just mark my words: let your heart be at peace, for 2016 is a year of your receiving much more.

What I see in my heart is a bumper harvest. Let your heart be at peace. You may see a lot of apparently discouraging things, even before this year turns over, but I am assuring you because we have inside information that we will not be swallowed up in the year 2016. Rather, we will swallow up the year.

The story of the Red Sea keeps coming to my heart: that Red Sea before them was a problem to the children of Israel and at the same time the army of Pharaoh advancing from behind was a problem to the children of Israel. What happened? God divided one so that the children of Israel could pass through and then the problem that God divided swallowed up the other problem.

This is what is in my heart in 2016. Those problems that keep disturbing you; those seemingly monumental problems will just divide and you will walk through them and then these bigger problems will swallow up other smaller problems! Watch and see, you will witness one of these problems destroying the others.

 The Lord told us during our most recent prayer cruise that a rumour will be heard about us. I repeat, A rumour will be heard about you and like wild fire, it will go round the people around us.

You will not have to fabricate anything about yourself. God will cause men to hear something about you. God will cause men to hear a rumour about you. Listen to me: the rumour they hear may not necessarily be factual but God will cause them to hear it and believe it because that is how He sees you.

 I declare to you that those apparently monumental problems will become ancient history in your life by the end of the first quarter of 2016.

By the time we are in the month of March, you will be saying, "I used to have that problem. I don't even remember what it feels like to have that problem."

Glory to God!

I keep hearing in my heart, "WHAT ABOUT 2016?"

Again, we will say as we said last year, it is a year of the Spirit because on Spirit wings He has taken you and you will sail through it. It is not going to be by your efforts, but by Him, you will just sail throughnd you will glide through and after you have passed you will look back and ask, I actually passed through those storms? Wow! I actually passed through all those things and they didn't hurt me?


 Just as the Hebrew children and those around them wondered whether they had really been in the fire because not only did the fire have no power over them but even the smell could not be perceived on them. So you will pass through and none will even be able to perceive the problem on you. Glory to God! There is a Mighty Supply.

What are we going to say about 2016?

I see us like the children of Israel stepping into this year 2016 just with those words on our lips; the words keep coming from our mouths: "The Lord is good and His mercies endureth forever."

"As you enter into the year, the year opens up for you," says God.

"The year opens up for you and you completely take over with my mercy in your heart and with my mercy upon your lips."

I seen the year dividing into two for you and I see a complete take over. I see a great army marching; marching past January and when you look back nothing is seen because everything has been completely eaten up. I see them marching into February, marching into March, marching into April and marching into May in the same way. As they go, everything is being devoured and everything is being taken. What belongs to them they take for they can see what Christ has done for them. They can see the price He has paid so they grab and they don't let go of any. They don't let go anything and nothing seems to fall away from them.  Everything seems toffall towards them.

 This is a great army with none breaking their ranks. Why? They are not breaking their ranks because their eyes are fixed upon Jesus; their eyes are fixed upon the price He has paid. Yes, they are not breaking their ranks be cause they are not trying to do it by themselves; they are simply taking.

Yes, they are the men of faith; they are the women of faith. They are the ones declaring and peaking the words of faith and the words of righteousness are upon their lips. They are unstoppable; they are unquenchable; their fire burns brighter and stronger; brighter and stronger! Their fire goes around every where consuming all in its path.

They are not unidirectional, they are multidirectional and you will see their fire going everywhere, taking every angle and consuming everything.

The world has fallen to them for they can see and can perceive that God has given these ones the world by the sacrifice of Jesus. It was said after many years of David being king that David perceived that God had made him king.

 The church is coming to it and we have come to that finest hour. Like David perceived it we will begin to perceive that God has given us this land by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus and with that perception comes breakthrough.

What shall we say about 2016?

We are going to be lifting up our hands in thay year and praising Him in the way we have never praised Him before; rejoicing in the way we have never done before. We will have our eyes fixed on Jesus in the way we've never done before and we are going to declare the works of Jesus, the works of God, in the way we've never done before. Our eyes are going to fail us as we look to our own works so our eye should be fixed upon Him always.

What are we going to say about 2016?

For I see the workings of miracles! I see the workings of miracles in such magnitude that the church, the body of Christ has never really gotten into. I see the workings of miracles in every place all around the world. People are just getting born again and they are immediately moving into the workings of miracles; staggering miracles; astonishing things happening zpthrough them; through us; through the church.

 I see the world coming to a standstill; I see the world coming to their knees because of the workings of miracles in their lives by the church. Just as it happened in the life of Moses and there were such workings of miracles in the life of Moses that Pharaoh and Egypt came to their knees so it will be again, haha, so it will be again! Workings of miracles in the church; by the church; and the world coming to its knees.

What shall we say about 2016?

It is the year of the mighty money flow. We talk about the workings of miracles and I hear in my heart: it is a year that people will experience the flow of money because of the workings of miracles or via the workings of miracles. They will see money coming in torrents. I see people standing in awe; in 'fear' for the magnitude of money they are seeing, the money coming into their hands by the workings of miracles.

What are we going to say about 2016?

I see souls! I see the harvest of souls and I see the compassion of God welling up in our hearts for souls in the way it has not been in a while. I see the church taking this large amounts of moy coming into their hands and I see them putting it into souls; putting it into the harvest of souls. Keep putting it into the harvest of souls, for it is His will that all be saved and that all come to the knowledge of Him.

I see men with the anointing; with a unique anointing. I hear them; a unique anointing, going out into the streets and into the corners preaching! And the results show hundreds, thousands, giving their lives to Christ in an unconventional way! They may not even be called Evangelist; they may not even have a registered ministry, Hahaha! Yet I see the fire of God! It's as though theybare transparent and I can see through them. I see the fire of God burning in their hearts. I see that fire like a volcano; like lava forcing its way from their hearts through their mouths and as it comes out I see people running, running, running, running, giving their lives to Christ.

-Rev Arome E. Adah.

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