Monday 30 March 2015

The Local Church

People who make impact here on earth are those that think of the other side. -C. S. Lewis

Success in God's eyes is you progressively accomplishing what God has called you to do in life. Many times, Christians get confused and say they don't know what God would have them do. They seem to be grasping for some divine purpose to life, and they get involved in nothing at all or all the wrong things due to this. We must realise, however, that being part of the vision of your local church is doing what God has called you to do. Success is not just an isolated event that happens to us individually. As believers, whatever we may be involved in must contribute to and not take awsy from the local church otherwise, it is not qualified as success in God's eyes.

A believer who is part of a church (as all believers should be) and is not involved with or faithful to the vision of the church will probably not hear a new "vision" for his or her life. God's plans for each and every one of our lives will be carried out through the local church. The local church is more important than we realise or even care to admit. The local church is the Body of Christ and no e heavenly-minded; don't live life on earth detrimental to your call as a Christian. Simply obey God and you will see things work for you by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Ghost. ione can be faithful to their call without being faithful to and in the church. If you do not seem to be seeing any visions or hearing any voices telling you what to do in life, relax. Keep calm and be part of your local church. Serve in the church with your gifts, talents and abilities. Working for your church should make you glad, not ashamed. The local church is God's takeover plan; it is not our second agenda!

The local church is headed by the pastor, who is the shepherd. The members are the sheep. Shepherd do not beget sheep. Sheep beget sheep. So, your church is your responsibility, much more than it is your pastor's responsibity. Embrace the vision of your church as a personal vision. Find ways to express it. Make sure that the vision blooms and grows in your hand. Do not live life only seeking personal attainments. Live heavenly-minded; not vicariously to the detriment of your call as a Christian. Simply obey God and trust Him to make things work by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Ghost.

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